
I appreciate you stopping by and hope there is something in these few pages that touch on what you’re seeking. If your curiosity is stirred to learn more about how participating in counseling with me might be helpful to you, I encourage you to give me a call or write an email to me. There is a way to loosen the yoke of stress, suffering, and turbulence that can begin with that phone call. 

    • Do signs of stress or anxiety concern you, such as feeling uptight, body tension, hammering headaches, or high blood pressure symptoms?
    • Does worrying seem to be one of your pastimes?
    • Are disconcerting beliefs revolving in your mind that seem true, such as not being good enough, feeling unworthy, or disaster is right around the corner?
    • Have you sometimes felt overwhelmed by unpleasant emotions that are hard to shake off and impacts your life and relationships?
    • Are you feeling confused or stuck and looking for help to get back on track?
    • Do you feel like you just can’t get over this (loss, breakup, trauma, change) and that your life will never get better or return to “normal?”

These kinds of experiences and conditions understandably can affect your relationship with yourself, with others, your work or education, and other parts of your life. And you’ve no doubt wondered what it would take to make things better. Maybe there’s so much going on and going wrong that there seems little chance that it could ever happen. Yet, deep inside there is this subtle awareness of a wholesomeness that is alive and moves you forward and to reach out for help, even if connecting with that part of you seems elusive.

“It is never too late to turn on the light.” – Sharon Salzberg

Now is the time to seek out and make that connection with someone who can help lead the way to healing and affirm your courage and determination, even if you’ve made various attempts and tried different approaches to break the cycle of distress.

A certainty in all our lives is that we encounter stress of various types by just being alive. For some of us, it feels overwhelming at times to just manage some parts of our day-to-day living and relationships and can manifest as anxiety and/or depression. If you can relate, you may feel like you’ve let yourself or others down, and suffer from feelings of self-doubt, sadness and anxiety, and worry about how things can get better. You may also feel isolated, feeling different than others, and not wanting to burden friends and family. I want to assure you that you’re not alone in how you feel and don’t need to be alone in dealing with your problems. I’ve worked with people who felt similarly and enjoy seeing many of them grow and manage their lives more effectively, restore greater self-esteem and confidence, and happiness. I provide a safe, confidential, nonjudgmental setting to work together in developing your inner resources and new tools that lead to healing and calmness. It‘s not too late!

“Live the actual moment. Only this actual moment is life.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh